Saturday 30 November 2013

Double page spread analysis from we love pop

Name: we love pop-double page spread
Main Headline

Double page spread from ''we love pop'' opening with an pun with ''Merry Christmurs!'' being the main headline which is on a kinda of ribbon effect like a present to the audience. The fact that ''Murs'' is in a different fount color shows that Olly Murs is the more dominate figure on this double page spread. it also acts as like an Easter egg to fans of olly murs to see if they sport it.

Main image

The main image of Olly Murs which is a median close up can be taken out as a poster for the young teen girls/ fans to stick on there wall. along side with the main image we have a secondary image of Olly Murs wearing a Christmas hat which goes with the Christmas theme of this article which goes with the background of the snowflakes.


The paragraph starts with a drop capital highlighted with yellow to grab the attention of readers. also due to it being highlighted it could show that it is more important then the rest/ the main points in the text. With the secondary image we have a speech bubble which uses direct adress to the audience with the wourd ''you''; this makes the artical more essential to the reader.

Going with the theme of christmas just in the middle of Olly there is a pull qoute with the heading ''hohoho'' which catches your attention to draw you into the story, to furder your chances of reading the main artical.
The way that the text is set up with the three collums makes it easyer for the reader to read whats on the page. this double page spread has oppeted for the question and answers with the question being in red fount and the answers in black this goes with the christmass theme and kind of helps the idea of the theme to come across to the reader.

Contents page analysis form Top of the Pops

Contence page for ''Top of the pop''

This contents page is a little bit difference from other contents pages as they have the front page inside the which allows the readers to refer to the front page to find the main headline story's. Has the header inside the mag instead of the word contents.
This magazine promotes 3D Posters which will be available within the magazine with the page numbers so you can see the posters. 

There are 5 sections which this contents page is split into which helps the reader find the article that they might be looking for more easily as it highlight the more important articles. By doing this, it helps organize the content page to make the whole thing look more professional.  
In the bottom corner we have so pictures of some of the fashion which will be shown in the magazine.  this gets the audience who might like that fashion want to find out more.

 One of the heading is called ''we love boys'' this defendant confirmed that the target market of the magazine is for teenage girls. as one of the secondary images we have one direction which will send ID fans going crazy (sigh :/) the image relates to a competitions that the magazine is having. 
I like how this contence page incorpurates the frount cover into the this page haveing the page numbers comeing from the main headline storys. This page number are big and easy to read and use the colours of the front cover.

Contents page analysis of we love pop magazine

We love pop contence page

Here we have a contents page by the pop magazine 'we <3 pop' Its starts with an opening statement ''we love this'' this grab the attention of the audience as it makes it sound like the magazine has created its own community with the ''we'' used in the statement. This is also dircted at the audience as it invites the reader to become part of there community; thus makeing the reader buy the magazine every week. This also gives an effect that the reader want to challange the magazine and find out if really the artical featured here are what we love. Just above the main header we have the logo of we <3 pop in a speech bubble which refects the mood and identity of the magazine being about gossip. The ellipsis used also in the heading kind of illudes the idea that the magazine is handing over it context to the reader; like the reader is the one who decide what should be in the magazine.

Further down we see the ''inside this month'' part with all the articles which are inside the magazine with big page numbers so that the people can see. 
At the bottom we are reminded that we have free posters within the magazine with a bright background to catch the readers attention. 
There is a paragraph to start of the magazine which gives us some information and background to the magazine. its also give the editor a chance to give some information about herself which give the magazine a personal touch; and what they plan to achieve with this magazine. 

All the articles with the pictures and numbers we have left are the main articles in the magazine. the images are of  boy bands which are relevance to the article and they will attract the young teenagers as they will see this this and be interested to find out more.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Anaysis of ''Classic pop'' magazine front cover OCT/NOV edition.

Name: Classic Pop
Price: £4.99
Every 2 months.

This magazine is aimed at people age 40+ which can be seen through the style of the magazine being/having a retro feel to it; but also to the content of the magazine with bands and artist form the 70s/80s. Having only been out for about a year it sold 50,000 copies in the UK. To have an target audience of 40+ this magazine is limiting on who might be interested to buy this magazine; but the purpose of this magazine is for the older reader, to bring back the ‘’nostalgia for their youth and an eye on what the classic artists and their progeny are up to today’’

  To make this magazine have a retro look is with the fount and main image used. The fount in the masthead looks very classy and something you might see in an old night club behind the bar or out front on the opening sign. With all the over fount we have 4 different kinds of fount. The design of the magazine is organised, set in the 3 columns layout. This gives an indemnity to the magazine which will go throughout the magazine.

This magazine also has used the colour red and black in the masthead which helps with the retro theme. In the ‘’O’’ of the pop there is the slogan ‘’eighties, electronic and electric’’ all going down in a line; maybe this is there to show off that there is an alliteration with the ‘’E’’ there.

 Main image-Boy George
The main image is of ‘’Boy George’’ in a median close up with her looking straight at the camera- (this can ever attract people attention to the magazine) who is defiantly got a retro look to her with the make-up she wearing. With the headline going across here set to the front so we can see her behind. There is some anchorage text near the bottom of the image saying ‘’madness, prison and pop resurrection’’ these words are all portrayed in the main image of the magazine of Boy George.

  Extra bits
  There is a sell line in an yellow box which means caution to people so they will look at it and see there is an ‘’exclusive interview’’ in the magazine. To use this allows there to be a possibility that this may help sell the magazine, as people will look at that and want to read about it. On either sides of the magazine there is the barcode with the price and date in and on the other there is a puff there seems to be a competitions about winning a vintage TV. The cover lines seem to go around the main image and act like an anchorage to support and hold the main image in place. With the cover lines we get an insight into the magazine and see that they’re going to be interview and reviews and also new bands/artist but mostly old bands and artist.

Secondary image
In the top right hand corner there is a secondary image of ‘’Kim Wild and Gary Numen’’ Kim being in a bright spotlight which makes her look unhuman and pure in a way, but this may be to fit in with the style of magazine that we have here which is retro. Kim is also not looking at the camera which could surest that she looking and thinking of something but when you read the caption underneath ‘’tours, tulips and….tipsy’’ which explains the look that she has and colours used in this image. However Gary in darkness and a instead of a close up we get a median close up so we see more of him in the image than Kim which gives of a sense of dominance and threatening feel in the image as he sitting down staring at you in the dark. Putting these images together gives a sense of juxtaposition. Over the secondary images there is a pug ‘’Eaasure new album first review’’ this is promoting a new music band and that this magazine has got the first review on them; again another reason why you should buy this magazine.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Results for my Music survey and second survey

Here are the results for my survey, I have noticed that many people seem to like rock music more than pop; which shows why there isn't a pop magazine as there not really a market for it. This may mean that i have to change my idea of making a pop magazine to a rock magazine.
  • I also found out that people wanted to know about local bands and about famous artist in a music magazine.
  • tracked out got the most votes for the best title for a magazine closely followed by music library collection and tune in. (i shall look into these titles and see if they fit with my front cover designs)
  • Red seem to be the predominatly colour that people would like to see on a magazine. which shows why the music magazine today all use in some way the colour red. 
  • People seem to want to only pay up to a £1-£2.
  • They audience want a magazine which is not cramed with info on the front cover but don't want a mag with nothing on the front
  • The audience would be more likely to buy a magazine with freebies but it would also have to have good articles for people to part with there money.
  • The audience want to have competitions like : gig tickets, bands/artist merchandise, back stage passes, ect which i can advertise on the front cover.
Here is a link to my results which has a detail analyse of my survey

I have decided as i missed two very important questions in my last survey to make a new survey to ask for the age and gender to find out more information about my target market so i can start making a proposal for my magazine.
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Music Magazine Questionaire (Research)

To find out what people want in a music magazine, I have decided to create an online survey on Survey Monkey ( which will allow me to gain information in a way that is easiest for the people; as they can access it on the internet. This will gives me an advantage as I can distribute my questionare on the social media IE: Twitter/ Facebook. From using Survey Monkey I can get an analysis of  the results straight away quick and easy without having to enter lots of codes and numbers on Excel.

I am hoping that from my research I might found out what people would prefer in a pop magazine as there are not many pop magazines in the market at the moment.
Here is a link to my Survey :)

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Thank you for taking your time to complete my Questionare/Survey.