Saturday, 30 November 2013

Double page spread analysis from we love pop

Name: we love pop-double page spread
Main Headline

Double page spread from ''we love pop'' opening with an pun with ''Merry Christmurs!'' being the main headline which is on a kinda of ribbon effect like a present to the audience. The fact that ''Murs'' is in a different fount color shows that Olly Murs is the more dominate figure on this double page spread. it also acts as like an Easter egg to fans of olly murs to see if they sport it.

Main image

The main image of Olly Murs which is a median close up can be taken out as a poster for the young teen girls/ fans to stick on there wall. along side with the main image we have a secondary image of Olly Murs wearing a Christmas hat which goes with the Christmas theme of this article which goes with the background of the snowflakes.


The paragraph starts with a drop capital highlighted with yellow to grab the attention of readers. also due to it being highlighted it could show that it is more important then the rest/ the main points in the text. With the secondary image we have a speech bubble which uses direct adress to the audience with the wourd ''you''; this makes the artical more essential to the reader.

Going with the theme of christmas just in the middle of Olly there is a pull qoute with the heading ''hohoho'' which catches your attention to draw you into the story, to furder your chances of reading the main artical.
The way that the text is set up with the three collums makes it easyer for the reader to read whats on the page. this double page spread has oppeted for the question and answers with the question being in red fount and the answers in black this goes with the christmass theme and kind of helps the idea of the theme to come across to the reader.

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