Sunday, 2 March 2014

Putting my first draft of a music magazine with other music magazine in shops

Here I decided to put my magazine in the magazine secton in college to see what my magazine will look like agaist other music magazine.

Even though the college library does not have lots of music magazines I still wanted to see what my magazine looks next to them. As you can see my masthead dose not stand out from the other music magazine. Which is something I need to change to follow the conventions of a magazine. 

Another thing which I may need to change is the fonts size of my sell lines. This is because the sell lines on my magazine seems to all merge into one . 

With these I went to Tesco magazine section and but my magazine in the shelves provided and was quite surprised that my magazine fits in well with the other magazine around it. The main difference here is there is more music magazine which shows the sheer competitions of all the other music magazine.

From doing this I can see how my magazine fits in with the other music magazine and see if I needed to change the way that my magazine looks to fit better with its competition. 

I can see from doing this that my background for my image needed to be white and not this dull grey  colour.This is because from looking at the magazine around it; The grey background makes the person in the image look too dark. 

I may need to make my fount bigger to make the magazine healines and masthead stand out a bit more. As you can see that the other music magazine use a white on a dark background/dark on light background. from doing this the masthead stands out more from the rest. 

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