Monday, 24 February 2014

Drawing my masthead for my magazine

I decided to use Remix as the title of my music magazine as it fits in with the pop theme that i want to portray. Here I decided to use illistrator to draw my masthead for the cover. useing the brush tool I was able to create this which i through was a good way to attract my target audience being teens. this is because the way that the title looks messy and not symmetrical gives it a younger feel to it; but it I used a clear symmetrical masthead fount it would appeal to the older target market. by trying to draw my masthead I have challenge conventions.
Under the masthead I have the logo which i tried to make which looks like a radio. not really related to the pop theme but I may use it in the contence page as I have the main header instead of what in the mag/contence page I have tuning in for- were the raido would fit perfecly in there as you have to tune your radio right to get the sound.

Here is the masthead on it on with out the logo. As you can see I have a little person when at the time I just randomy draw him there but now that im looking at it; the little man represents maybe a person at a concet listening to pop music. Orgianal the colour of the title was black but I changes it to blue as its my fav colour but also made it light blue rather that dark blue as this can appeal to girls and boys at the  same time.

Even though I spent a lot of time on this and I really like this; when I put this on my magazine with the main image the masthead didn't stand out well among all the other magazine. which is why I won't be useing this im my final magazine.

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