Monday, 24 February 2014

Front cover design progress 1

Front cover design progress
Here is my frount cover, as you can see on the left hand conner you can see that i have attemted to draw out my masthead. unfortuntaly when you put the hand drawn image on the picture the masthead didn't really stand out that well. i choose to exsperiment with the hand drawen background to challenge conventions and also to attract my target audience with the messy masthead instead of a structure on which would appeal to the older target market. Instead of the drawen masthead I decided to use the fount orange peal; with a blue on dark blue border.
I have as a coverline ''Charrlotte pops back into the charts'' links to pop theme. ''behind the scence with katy perry, what jessie J did next?'' I used these artist because they are normally related to pop. At the bottom of my magazine I have an excusive bar says the magazine has interviews, reviews, compititions and free posters to attract my target audience (teens)
I have the bar code in the bottom right conner so it easy to scan on a supermarket scanner. above the barcode I have the price of the mag and the issue num. (£3.99/ issue 1)
Here I decided to play around with the fount colours useing pink and yellow as this in my reasearch was used most in pop magazines. I have the solgan ''tuneing in the best of pop every mouth straight to you'' This grabs your attention and may help improve the chances of you buying the magazine.
Used the fount Orange peal for the masthead. I have also chosen the name remix as my magazine title. This is because it fits in with the idea of pop.

Here the image with the hand drawen masthead and even though I went  on photoshop and got rid of all the white bits it still looks unprofessional and dosen't really stand out that well.
I have choosen to use this pic of Charlotte as a placeholder image untill I re-shoot I might have her doing the same pose but with a pop outfit instead.  I like this image as it fits well on the page and isn't blury.

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