Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Billboard ad development

 Billboard ad development 

With my billboard I decided to cut my page in half so that all the text was on one side and the image was on the other. as this allows the image to be clear to the audience but also have the text to be clear enough to be read from a long distance.

I wanted to have the background match the content page background but only being slightly lighter. which allowed the pink from my masthead of the magazine to stand out nicely so its more visible to the audience. I made all the text line up so that it looked more professional but also it more easy on the eyes for the viewer. I have a short and snappy sell line which helps sell the magazine ''Don’t miss the must have guide for the hustle and bustle in Durham!'' something I may include in my radio add. 

For the Image  I used the front page of my magazine which again shows off my magazine which reinforces who the address is of the billboard. Ive added a border to make it stand out more on the page with adding a darker shade of grey on the light grey. 

Ready to pick up FREE at local newsagents on 18/5/15 

Added this at the bottom to promote that the magazine is free and where to pick it up from along with when to get it. which help with proximity of having all the same information in the same area. i made the free stand out more to show that that is the most important bit out of that sentence which should attract people attention with it being free. 

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